A Sentence A Day, Week #2

I am slowly getting the hang of this Sentence A Day journal. It already became a habit that every night, before I go to sleep, I would answer a question from the journal.

So, week 2! Most questions for this week are pretty personal. But unlike last week, no weird ones!


10 April - 16 April 2016

What was the last thing you quit?

I cannot think of anything exactly. But I semi-quitted eating rice for dinner, replaced it with oats. I said semi because I sometimes eat rice on weekends, cheat day per se. Haha!

When was the last time you had fresh flowers in your house?

I forgot the exact time when, but it was probably six months ago when my boyfriend delivered flowers to my house as a peace offering. Haha!

Who would you like to talk to right now?

None at the moment, as I am already going to sleep. But I just talked to my dad and my boyfriend earlier, and told them how my day went.

Whose style do you admire?

I am not a 'fashionista', but I like wearing good clothes. I like Saab Magalona's style, but I think I couldn't pull it off the way she does. I also like Tricia Gosingtian's -- her style is classy and sophisticated.

What did you eat for lunch today?

I had carbonara and chicken chops with mushroom sauce.

What was the last risk you took? Did it work out?

I took a risk of leaving my comfort zone that is the Philippines, to move here to Singapore. And yes, it did work out. It's sometimes sad, but it's worth it.

What did you accomplish today?

I accomplished changing this blog's layout!


How was your week?

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